We need your help to connect all 51 miles of the LA River!

Please sign our petition to support the LA River today.

Connecting all 51 miles of the LA River has remained central to what we believe is a new way of living for Los Angeles.

Now, our Greenway 2020 campaign is Mayoral public policy, through the City's Department of Transportation's 2015 Strategic Plan. This offers us a special opportunity to create the largest urban non-motorized transportation corridor in the country.

Greenway 2020 will bridge the gaps that exist not only on the L.A. River bike path, but will connect diverse communities.

Imagine what the city and region will look like when the goal of our joint efforts is achieved: A continuous 51-mile bike path along a restored Los Angeles River where families and friends can ride, stroll and discover. It’s the kind of project that befits a great city and Southern California region. 

Sign the petition today and tell your local officials that you support the completion of the LA River Greenway.

Thanks you for helping make the Los Angeles River a better place to live, work and play.

Will you sign?