
Did you know 1 out of every 4 Californians lives within 30 miles of the river?

River LA partnered with Gehry Partners, OLIN, and Geosyntec to explore and digest the enormous amount of data surrounding the LA River. Launched in 2016, the LA River Index compiled 25 years of research completed by other organizations to create a free resource the public can use to evaluate projects for the river.

As cities plan for parks and other infrastructure projects, this index is available to assess potential benefits of the project. For example, it could help questions like, 'Is this park in the right location based off of population needs?'

  • An analysis of new and existing studies and master plans of the LA River,

  • Data on Flood Risk Management, Water Recharge, Water Quality, Greenhouse Gases, Ecology & Habitat, Open Space & Parks, Public Health & Social Equity, Transportation, and Programming,

  • Input from community members, peer organizations, state and local agencies, technical experts, and everyone in between.