Rio Vistas

We know partners that help lift the voices of the communities that call this river home is essential to the future of a healthy, vibrant LA River. Our placemaking is at the core of this work, as it’s designed to empower the neighborhoods to reclaim and guide the future of the space.



“Rio Vistas” are the physical street ends by the LA River which are public rights-of-way that can be transformed for aesthetic, recreational and environmental benefit. The LA River Revitalization Master Plan shows there are more than 300 streets that intersect with the LA River. Unfortunately, most of these cul de sacs are unmarked, overgrown, derelict or have unauthorized private encroachments. Our program helped community members rethink the possibilities of this space, and put their thoughts into action! 

In conjunction with Glen Dake/Miguel Luna (GDML) and the NELA Riverfront Collaborative, we worked with LA River High School students, community members, school administrators, and industry professionals to design and develop ’shovel-ready’ projects along the LA River in Elysian Valley, where 27 streets dead-end into the LA River. LA River High School students applied project learning to the design of sustainable interventions that convert neglected street ends into community assets or “Rio Vistas” for public use. With community input and participation, students developed designs for three Rio Vistas that abut the L.A. River in Elysian Valley.

Improving street ends will re-orient neighborhoods towards the LA River, open up access to the existing bike path, and allow for enjoyment of waterfront open space. Rio Vistas could include installing green infrastructure, improving pathways, benches, and adding low-maintenance, drought-resistant plantings.

Learn more about River LA's placemaking efforts

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